Monday, March 24, 2008

Leaving it Behind

Arrival Of Immigrants - Ellis Island 1906
Depicts scenes at the Immigration Depot and a nearby dock on Ellis Island.

This is the scene of thousands of Europeans immigrating into America at Ellis Island in 1906. All these people left behind their home, their country and often family.
In those days that was quite a big step, a time when there were no phones, no e-mail, no air travel. Once you left, you left for good, leaving everything - with the hope for a better future.
What really struck me, when I was watching this short video clip, is the size suitcase or bag everyone was carrying.
One small suitcase, or a little bundle with all of their belongings.
I was thinking about myself, if I had to travel like that, leave everything behind, what would I take.
If I look at all our stuff, our overabundance of material wealth and things we claim ownership to, how hard would it be to leave all that behind.
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

So the question is, if you had just that one little suitcase, what would you take ?